XIX. ESA Investor Forum 2022 Pitch Session


BLACKPIN develops a secure DSGVO-compliant mobile transaction platform based on mobile messaging for the B2B sector.
We are Made in Germany, hosted in Germany and the users’ data is located in Germany. We develop our innovative app according to the highest German security standards. We are not only end-to-end encrypted, but also build on the new innovative MATRIX chat protocol, which is mandatory for communication in the medical sector since 1.1.2022 according to the GEMATIK regulation. Our main target group are so-called non-desk users or mixed teams. 48% of all employees in Germany do not work at a fixed workplace. Our product is therefore relevant for all companies and organisations that work in an agile and mobile way. The medical sector is one of our core target groups. The areas of application are very broad and multi-layered. With our app, you can communicate, exchange documents, track times and distances and bill automatically.

Looking for EUR 500,000

Important Notice

New Open Call and Application Templates available for Bavaria & Northern Germany!